Breast Cancer Surgery in Jaipur

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the breast's cells usually in ducts or lobules. The breast cancer develops when the cells multiply uncontrollably, creating an aggressive tumor that may be infected by surrounding tissues or expand to other areas in the body. Breast cancer affects men and women, however it is more prevalent for women. For those who require specialized treatment, Breast Cancer surgery in Jaipur provides the most modern surgical options and customized treatment plans to guarantee the best treatment and healing.

Get breast cancer treatment by the most renowned and experienced breast cancer specialist in Jaipur. Dr. Nitesh Lamoria is a Oncologist in Jaipur with 10+ years of work experience in plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery.

Symptoms of Breast cancer

Here are common signs and symptoms:

  • A lump or mass in the breast or armpit
  • A change in the size or shape of the breast
  • Dimpling or dimpling of the skin on the breast
  • Discharge from the nipple, possibly containing blood
  • Inverted or bent nipples
  • Redness or flaky skin on the breast or nipple
  • Persistent pain or tenderness in the breast
  • Swelling in part or all of the breast
  • Itchy, scaly, or thick skin on the breast or nipple

Who treats breast cancer?

Breast cancer is treated using surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy. The primary doctor involved at every stage of breast cancer treatment is the medical oncologist, who specializes in the medical management of cancer.

Stages of Breast Cancer

Several stages of breast cancer are determined through the size and spread of the cancer. Cancers that have a greater spread and are bigger are more advanced as compared to smaller, less advanced cancers that are less advanced.

To determine the appropriate stage the doctor must be aware of:

  • The type of cancer, regardless of whether non-invasive or invasive
  • Its size
  • The lymph nodes can be involved
  • The spreading area of cancer

Stages of Breast Cancer:

There are multiple stages of breast cancer depending on the size & spread area of the tumor.

  • Stage 0: In situ cancer, confined to the ducts or lobules.
  • Stages I and II: Localized tumors with varying sizes and lymph node involvement.
  • Stage III: Locally advanced cancer with extensive lymph node involvement.
  • Stage IV: Advanced cancer that has spread to distant organs.

Breast Cancer Diagnosis:

  • Mammography: Regular mammograms help detect abnormalities before symptoms manifest.
  • Clinical Breast Exam: Conducted by a healthcare professional to identify any physical changes.
  • Biopsy: Tissue sampling for laboratory analysis confirms the presence of cancer.
  • IHC: For targeted medicines including hormonal tablets
  • CECT: To see the staging of the disease
  • Bone scan: If bone involvement is suspected
  • PETCT:  For complete staging if suspected staging is III or more on clinical examination
  • MRI brain: To rule out brain involvement if suspected

Breast Cancer Surgery in Jaipur / Treatment Options:

For those who require the most advanced and compassionate treatments for breast cancer, Purple Heron Hospital offers the highest-quality breast cancer surgery in Jaipur. Renowned doctors Dr. Nitesh Lamoria and Dr. Aayushi Choudhary lead our team of dedicated professionals who provide customized care and cutting-edge surgical techniques. At Purple Heron Hospital, we know the challenges breast cancer faces, and we strive to provide the highest quality results to our clients. Select us for specialized procedures for treating breast cancer in Jaipur and be assured of the highest standards of quality medical care and patient treatment.

Awareness of breast cancer regular screenings and advances in treatment have significantly increased the chances of success. Early detection, education, and continuing research remain vital in fighting breast cancer. When you observe any change to your breasts or fall into the high-risk categories, speak with health professionals right away for an individualized examination and treatment. If you are looking for breast cancer surgery in Jaipur, then you should consult Dr. Nitesh Lamoria. He has 10+ Years of experience in breast cancer treatment in Jaipur from the Purple Heron Hospital in Jaipur city.